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Tottenham's Café Connect

Living Under One Sun By Living Under One Sun

Help us create a multi-purpose community hub and café from a disused bowling green. Connecting people and reducing social isolation - delivering new skills for life and employment – and growing food!

Haringey Delivery stage

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This project was funded on 05 Sep 2017!

The bowling club will be redecorated, retaining heritage and memorabilia, to create a flexible multi-purpose activity space. The external green will be brought back into safe use and turned into a space for the community to learn and share skills through a range of activities. We will create a safe place for people of all ages, abilities and cultures to share ideas and aspirations, be up-skilled and active, and engage positively in their neighbourhood. We have already received commitment from the community wanting to use Café Connect, offering support and donations of equipment to help us get started.

What we'll deliver:

  • Upgrade kitchen facilities, including an outdoor ‘Global Oven’
  • Construct a greenhouse and growing spaces, as well as a stage area for performances
  • Revive the surrounding green and, planting trees and flowers
  • Training and volunteering opportunities for local people in cooking, gardening and carpentry

Why it's a great idea:

Our Tottenham Café Connect is much needed to gather and connect us in a welcoming space, in an area of London undergoing large scale, intense housing development changes. Tottenham has much more to offer than land for development. It has people and nature, and its spaces hold our stories and our heritage. We are challenging social isolation, obesity, poverty, poor mental and physical health, lack of access to information and services and open spaces. In Tottenham, men die 7 YEARS EARLIER than the rest of the borough. We want to change this.

Steps to get it done:

  • Buy equipment and materials
  • Refit kitchen
  • Appoint Builders
  • Build outdoor stage
  • Build outdoor 'Global Oven'
  • Construct Greenhouse and planting beds
  • Opening Ceremony & Community Festival
  • Six month programme of training and volunteering opportunities.
  • Opening the disused toilet , changing room and shower facilities

We will use locally sourced food and recycled materials - offering an affordable space to host events, festivals, play schemes, performances or showcasing talents and entrepreneurial ideas! We will open the toilets, showers and changing rooms, currently closed, for park users. We deliver all our work with no core funding, relying heavily on volunteers, so we need the Spacehive community to come together and help us bring this amazing unique opportunity to life! We will reward all our supporters by creating a mural with their names! Additional rewards are for: £ 50+ your name on a tree or a planter £100+ invitation to a special meal or a gift of our locally products, such as our local honey! £500+ invitation as a special guest for the opening ceremony or other events £1000+ we will name one of the main areas of our project after you, such as the stage, the greenhouse or our outdoor global oven! You’ll also be our special guest at events and be part of our video project!

Location Haringey

About the space

Custom Location


London Borough of Haringey

How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees)  £44,592

Programme management costs - £17,000
Kitchen refit (Fridge/freezers/cooker etc.) - £7,000
Construction of large poly carbonated greenhouse - £5,000
Outdoor Global Oven - £5,000
Construction material for outdoor stage - £3,000
Materials for growing beds - £2,000
Espresso machine and coffee grinders for cafe - £2,000
Tables and Chairs - £1,500
Outdoor benches and picnic area - £1,000

Costs Breakdown

This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.

Programme management costs
Kitchen refit (Fridge/freezers/cooker etc.)
Construction of large poly carbonated greenhouse
Outdoor Global Oven
Construction material for outdoor stage
Materials for growing beds
Espresso machine and coffee grinders for cafe
Tables and Chairs
Outdoor benches and picnic area

Target (inc. fees)  £44,592

Our Volunteer List

We're currently looking for people to offer skills and time to develop our project! Check out the list of what we need below and then use the 'Volunteer' button to the right to get involved.
  • Business adviser, fund raiser, Carpenter, gardeners, sports coach, Sewing Machines, Fabrics, different size tools for carpentry, gardening,cooking tools for kids too. miniature fruit trees,food and flowers seedlings, bulbs organic seeds , compost

Want to help?

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