BT is one of the world's leading providers of communications services. We serve the needs of customers in the UK and in 180 countries worldwide.
Our main activities are the provision of fixed-line services, broadband, mobile and TV products and services, and networked IT services.
We’re working with Ofcom, the independent communications regulator, to deliver the broadband Universal Service Obligation (USO). It’s a piece of government legislation that gives eligible UK addresses the right to request a ‘decent’ broadband connection.
Ofcom defines this as a connection that can deliver a download speed of at least 10MB and an upload speed of at least 1MB. It should be fast enough for several people in a household to be online at once.
Under the USO scheme you can receive a contribution of up to £3,400 per property towards the cost of upgrading a network. If the upgrade cost is higher than this, eligible addresses have the ability to come together and collectively fund the additional costs for their community via Spacehive.
If the target is reached, we ‘ll deliver the upgrade - typically within a year.
To learn more about USO, visit