Bridewell Gardens is a registered charity, a mental health recovery service working from a walled garden and vineyard in West Oxfordshire.
Using the principles of social and therapeutic horticulture, we offer a structured working day in a supportive environment, providing people who have experienced serious mental illness with the time and space to work towards recovery. The primary activity at Bridewell is managing and maintaining the garden, but there are also opportunities for other land-based activities, willow weaving, blacksmithing, woodwork, cooking using food grown in the garden.
Referrals are received through the Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership (Oxford Health NHS, Oxfordshire Mind, and other mental health charities operating in the county) as well as through local GP practices. People attend typically for around 2 years, during which time staff support each person to identify and work towards next steps to return to living well in our community.
We work with 70-90 people each year who have experienced serious mental ill health including diagnoses of bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and depression.
Below is feedback from a service user who moved on from Bridewell in 2024 describing the impact of working alongside others in this supportive environment.
My journey has been so difficult and Bridewell have made it so easy. I didn’t have the time and space to find out who I was but since coming here I have.
I remember one of the volunteers said to me early on “You can’t do anything wrong here”. No one makes you do anything but mostly I’ve wanted to do what’s on offer.
Bridewell is an incredible sanctuary for people who are struggling.
The people here show kindness, clearness, structure, choice. This is a reality I can grow in. You grow just like the plants.