We've been given an empty shop unit for a creative learning space, so that local artists can work with residents to celebrate cultural heritage,using eco-friendly processes,upcyling - and imagination
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Valuing science and design, we'll promote these as career choices to young people, following local hero Tommy Flowers' example of upcycling leftover items into 'Colossus' the world's first electronic computer he built 80 years ago this year, using telephone switching equipment and bedsteads. We've partnered with London College of Fashion to offer 'make and mend' workshops where local residents can bring in clothes to be upcycled/repaired for continued use We're working with the Natural Magic group using plant-based pigments as photographic emulsions/developers to produce images in daylight, needing no darkroom Environmental-awareness artist Ben Wilson will lead workshops to inspire local people to make waste materials into artworks Aberfeldy residents will deliver wood printmaking workshops with their community and co-create with other local residents useful installations and furniture made from waste found on the street, working with City Wood E14.
What we'll deliver:
Why it's a great idea:
We've talked to many Poplar residents, finding that their overwhelming concerns are the cost of living and the environment, informing what we - as a new community-focused foundation - should be doing to try and tackle these issues locally. Breathing Space is 'a place to be' for community groups. The local crochet group have been trying to get an evening class going for months but have been unable to secure space. Other groups will emerge from this project, focused on say, upcycling, after our taster sessions facilitate regular get-togethers, for knowledge-exchange and discussion on important topics that effect the local area and its future.
Steps to get it done:
The Tommy Flowers Foundation is a new educational platform that aims to encourage innovation in learning especially in young people. Growing out of the successful community pub next door with its "pioneering creative engagement model" the Foundation works from the Aberfeldy estate where Tommy was born in 1905, going on to be a great innovator in computer science in his role at the Post Office Research Centre.Our Trustees are all women, acknowledging that Tommy's Colossus codebreaking computers at Blecthley Park were operated by Wrens,with the staff there 75% female.Hear their story on the podcast here: https://tommyflowers.org/about The Foundation has been mentored by Fitzrovia Noir CIC, who have worked from Poplar for the last twelve years and in turn the Foundation will nurture emerging community groups and organisations focused on social justice through creative learning,using the new 'Breathing Space' in a former Post Office at 48 Aberfeldy Street, to realise these core aims.
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How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees) £16,056
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Target (inc. fees) £16,056
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