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BrainTech (Walsall)

The Big Happiness Experiment CIC By The Big Happiness Experiment CIC

We are looking for your support to build and pilot our BrainTech men's mental health and wellbeing app to provide free early intervention for men of all ages and from all communities in Walsall.

Walsall Delivery stage

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This project was funded on 02 Feb 2024!

Men's mental health and wellbeing is an important yet often overlooked health concern. We have over 20 years' experience providing very successful, innovative specialised mental and emotional health initiatives and would like to develop an app that will offer 'free of charge', early intervention and signposting to the appropriate support services, to empower men and help prevent a wide variety of mental health problems, addictions and suicide. Using extensively researched neuroscience, neuroplasticity and neurobic exercises, the BrainTech App will focus on subjects including; past trauma, reacting to challenges, keeping calm in moments of stress, daily mental and physical routines, self-calming techniques, dealing with anxiety, accepting uncertainty, developing confidence and motivation, managing feelings, understanding feelings of others, developing self-esteem and empathy, creating a new positive 'enhanced sense of normal' and signposting to relevant agencies and support networks

What we'll deliver:

  • Discussions and research with local stakeholders and communities
  • Design and development of unique, bespoke free digital Men's Mental Health and Wellbeing app
  • Pilot the app for six months, whilst seeking additional funding for long term
  • Pilot launch to local mental health charities, organisations and members of the communities within the Walsall
  • Collate feedback from male users of the app for future enhancement
  • Maintain free access to app for all males, regardless of age, ethnicity, sexuality for at least 1 year free of charge

Why it's a great idea:

What Are The Benefits Of Using Mental Wellness Apps? 1. Convenience - a digital app to help men to support their mental health, is a more immediate , anonymous and inviting way of communicating for those who don't feel able to talk openly about their feelings. This piece of software will allow people to access our network of resources in a more efficient and timely way, whenever it is needed, day or night and create a community for males all on a similar journey, where they can get access to support from the comfort of their own space, which can be private, anonymous, confidential and is free, empowering men to support and self-manage their own mental wellbeing. 2. Cost Savings - Using apps and tools can be significantly cheaper than traditional mental health resources 3. Immediate Access - NHS waiting times mean long delays for those needing mental health support. The app will provide 'proactive' and immediate support when it is most needed reducing strain on the NHS.

Steps to get it done:

  • Pilot launch BrainTech (Walsall) digital app to stakeholders, support groups and male individuals

The Big Happiness Experiment CIC, being Black Country based, have vast experience of working in our multi-cultural society. We currently deliver the highly successful and respected 'Project Me' in Walsall, an informal programme, that provides a unique framework of education, practical tools, and strategies for those people struggling to cope with their current mental and emotional states. It equips participants with knowledge and tools in order that they can develop healthy attitudes towards mental health and greater emotional resilience, whilst strengthening their capacities to manage stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. The App will be available and accessible to all able bodied and disabled males, males from all ethnicities, cultures and religions and all sexual orientations as we do not tolerate discrimination in any way. We also take Safeguarding very seriously and the app will be subject to our rigorous Safeguarding Policy and Procedures.


Location Walsall

About the space

Custom Location


Walsall Council

How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees)  £9,141

Research, Development, Design and Creation of App - £4,000
App design, maintenance and livestream software - £3,000
Pilot launch, maintenance and appraisal - £1,200
Advertising / Marketing - £324

Costs Breakdown

This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.

Research, Development, Design and Creation of App
App design, maintenance and livestream software
Pilot launch, maintenance and appraisal
Advertising / Marketing


This project is enabled for overfunding. If the project hits its funding goal before the end of the campaign period, any extra funds raised will be spent (in order of priority) on:

  • Contingency for the project to protect against price fluctuation

Target (inc. fees)  £9,141

Our Volunteer List

We're currently looking for people to offer skills and time to develop our project! Check out the list of what we need below and then use the 'Volunteer' button to the right to get involved.

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