Help make Tower Hamlets a great place to live, work and play

By Factory East Community Project (Charity)
We are a community based local charity and boxing, health, fitness, well-being, bringing the community together and crime prevention is our main area of activity. We are affiliated to England Boxing.
We have been in existence for eight years now – three years as a registered charity and five years as a voluntary organisation – and during this time many people have benefited from our projects and interventions. In 2016 we worked with over 2’000 people of all ages, races, religions, backgrounds and disabilities from five years old through to 60 years old helping them to better their life and make a positive change for their future. We are here to offer the chance of change. Factory East is a support network and a base for training and selfgrowth. We are community people working together with professional experts to assist people to lead a better life. Factory East has seen many Governments change hands and many Mayors change hands and we are still here and still going strong, we have survived these changes and we plan to survive many more. We want to carry on saving, helping, and changing so many people’s lives which we believe we can carry on doing.
What we'll deliver:
Why it's a great idea:
Factory East is a a great idea because we offer the chance of change. We offer people the chance to better there lives. Not only will people get training from professional qualified trainers where they will become fit and healthy and become more confident, we also push for people to better there lives by getting into college or into a job and we help people do this. We help people gain social skills and become more confident within there selves. Tower Hamlets is still one of the most deprived boroughs in London. Unemployment, gang crime and poverty arerife and many young people do not have a positive outlet for their frustrations. Factory East Community Project alsosupports the surrounding areas of East London. Using the ethos of boxing we are helping to improve the lives of those that might be socially excluded. We offer a welcoming and inclusive environment for all the community to learn boxing regardless of ability. We are promoting community cohesion across barriers of age, ge
Steps to get it done:
We are here to offer the chance of change. Factory East is a support network and a base for training and selfgrowth. We are community people working together with professional experts to assist people to lead a better life. We want to obtain definite leads for support; via direct funding in order to establish a permanent base from which to operate, but also by the provision of paid staff and volunteers to assist in the day to day management and activities of Factory East Community Project. We want to carry on saving lives.
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Whoop, 40 people have pledged since fundraising began!
Whoop, 30 people have pledged since fundraising began!
Whoop, 20 people have pledged since fundraising began!
Help make Tower Hamlets a great place to live, work and play
Supporting community-led projects to help your local area recover from the COVID-19 crisis
How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees) £8,858
Costs Breakdown
This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.
Target (inc. fees) £8,858
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