Art and Joy is a community where every individual regardless of background and identity can express their creative potential in a safe, supportive and inclusive environment. Art and Joy cultivates self expression, empowerment, community and friendship. We believe that anyone and everyone should have access to creative spaces and art materials. By offering access to materials and potentially organizing exhibitions we empower participants to celebrate their creativity and unique identities through the transformative power of art.
We are running this campaign in the hopes of raising funds that will enable us to host a special celebration and exhibition for our members. An event where they will be able to showcase their hard work, dedication and progression with a sense of community and pride for eveything they have achieved, be it artistically or their own personal development. At art and joy all art is celebrated, from intricate paintings, clay pots or a page coloured in a colouring book.
Many of our group members come to us from places of isolation, mental health problems and recovery. Some of which are referred to us by local mental health services, social services and the NHS. Creative safe spaces and community are key elements to overall wellbeing. Our organisation is volunteer based and we are so passionate and proud of what we do. Coming from backgrounds of various struggles ourselves we find that we are really able to connect with and advocate for our members on a personal level.