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West Oxfordshire Playdays 2024

West Oxfordshire Playdays 2024

Oxfordshire Play Association By Oxfordshire Play Association

Each year OPA organises a series of Play and Activity days at multiple venues across Oxfordshire in line with the ethos of National Playday, the celebration of the Childs Right to Play

Charlbury Delivery stage

pledged of £20,408

Sorry this project was unsuccessful, we did not reach our fundraising goal.

In 2024 we would like to deliver 4 FREE Community Playday events across West Oxfordshire. From 2012 to 2023 we have delivered over 140 events across Oxfordshire which have been attended by over 150,000 ‘guests’. The key selling point of our project is that all of our events offer both FREE Entrance and FREE Activities to ensure an Inclusion for ALL. The 4 locations we have chosen for our 2024 events are as follows; Witney - The biggest population centre in West Oxfordshire Carterton / RAF Brize Norton - Bringing Armed Forces and Civilian Families within the local Community together Chipping Norton - According to the 2019 Indices of Deprivation, one area of the town (to the south west) ranks within the 10% most deprived nationally on the Education, Skills and Training domain and within the 20% most deprived on Income Deprivation Affecting Children (child poverty). Eynsham - According to End Child Poverty 2019 estimates, Eynsham ward had around 18% of children living in poverty

What we'll deliver:

  • Witney Play & Activity Day 2024
  • Carterton / RAF Brize Norton Play & Activity Day 2024
  • Chipping Norton Play & Activity Day 2024
  • Eynsham Play & Activity Day 2024

Why it's a great idea:

Our project has the following key, aims and objectives; For Children & Young People 1) Promote Positive Behaviours & Activities (reduce anti-social behaviour) 2) Promote Increased Levels of Physical Activity 3) Promote a Healthy Lifestyle (healthy choices) 4) Promote Healthy Weight Management (obesity reduction) 5) Provide information on services and activities to promote a sense of Wellbeing and Inclusion For Parents / Carers 1) Provide an Event offering both FREE Entrance & FREE Activities to Ensure an Inclusion for ALL 2) Demonstrate how Play can be achieved on a Zero / Minimal Budget using Natural & Recycled materials 3) Provide information on services and activities available in the local and wider area For Communities 1) Encourage a greater sense of belonging to promote Active & Engaged Communities (Love where you Live) 2) Promote local clubs, groups and societies 3) Involve local groups, communities and Children & Young People in the planning and delivery of each event

Steps to get it done:

  • Delivery of Witney Play & Activity Day 2024
  • Delivery of Carterton / RAF Brize Norton Play & Activity Day 2024
  • Delivery of Chipping Norton Play & Activity Day 2024
  • Delivery of Eynsham Play & Activity Day 2024

These events were already vitally important following the savage cuts previously imposed on Children and Families services in Oxfordshire (including the closure of local Children’s Centres and Youth Services) during Austerity in terms of providing activities and information on services available to local families. These needs were further exacerbated by the issues caused by Covid-19. In addition to all this Children, Young People and their Families now face an unprecedented Cost of Living Crisis. It is of no surprise to anyone then that we are now seeing unprecedented increases in children’s mental health problems and loneliness, alongside reduced physical activity. Play is vital to children’s physical and mental health and development, and happens when children and young people follow their own ideas and interests, in their own way, and for their own reasons. Play provides opportunities for social interaction and physical activity and reduces children’s stress and anxiety.


Location Charlbury

About the space

West Oxfordshire - Witney, Carterton / RAF Brize Norton, Chipping Norton and Eynshamstom Location


West Oxfordshire District Council

How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees)  £20,408

Hire of Activities = A range of activities for all ages and abilities - £13,400
Project Management Fee = Staff Time - £2,000
Facilities Management = First Aid, Event Insurance, Toilet Hire, Land Hire Fee etc - £2,000
Marketing and Publicity = Flyers and Leaflets - £400
Land Hire Fee - £250
Land Hire Fee - £250
Land Hire Fee - £250
Land Hire Fee - £250
Volunteer Expenses = Volunteer Travel Costs and Refreshments - £200

Costs Breakdown

This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.

Hire of Activities = A range of activities for all ages and abilities
Project Management Fee = Staff Time
Facilities Management = First Aid, Event Insurance, Toilet Hire, Land Hire Fee etc
Marketing and Publicity = Flyers and Leaflets
Land Hire Fee
Land Hire Fee
Land Hire Fee
Land Hire Fee
Volunteer Expenses = Volunteer Travel Costs and Refreshments


This project is enabled for overfunding. If the project hits its funding goal before the end of the campaign period, any extra funds raised will be spent (in order of priority) on:

  • Hiring additional activities for the Children to enjoy
  • Providing Free, Fresh Fruit and Healthy Snacks
  • Offering Prizes in a Free Raffle

Target (inc. fees)  £20,408

Our Volunteer List

We're currently looking for people to offer skills and time to develop our project! Check out the list of what we need below and then use the 'Volunteer' button to the right to get involved.

Want to help?

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