A new episode of Voices of Lancashire went out today. In this episode I interview Gosha, a Polish artist who arrived in Lancashire twenty years ago. In her early twenties Gosha left Poland hitchhiking, with the goal to go to Portugal for a holiday. She never arrived in Portugal: in Spain she met a British man who then became her partner and father of her son. After a few years in Spain, they moved to Clitheroe, a place that soon became Gosha’s new home. A gifted artist, Gosha feels she has a responsibility towards the world, namely to fill it with colours and positive energy and spread the love she feels when she creates. If you want to know more about Gosha’s art, follow this link: https://www.goshagibek.com/ And if you want to listen to this episode follow this link: https://saspod.com/voicesoflancashire/112/2651 (or listen to it in the major podcast distributors by searching Voices of Lancashire). Oggi e' uscito un nuovo episodio di Voices of Lancashire. In questo episodio intervisto Gosha, un'artista polacca che e' arrivata in Lancashire 20 anni fa. Gosha ha lasciato la Polonia quando aveva vent'anni, con l'obiettivo di arriavre in Portogallo, in autostop. Non e' mai arrivata in Portogallo. In Spagna ha incontrato l'uomo che poi e' diventato il suo compagno e padre di suo figlio. Qualche anno dopo la famiglia e' venuta a Clitheroe, una cittadina in Lancashire, che presto e' diventata una seconda casa per Gosha. In questa intervista parliamo delle passioni artistiche di Gosha, cosa significa per lei l'arte, e come e' gradualmente diventata un'artista a tempo pieno. Se volete conoscere di piu' sull'arte di Gosha seguite questo link: https://www.goshagibek.com/ Se volete ascoltare l'intervista seguire questo link: https://saspod.com/voicesoflancashire/112/2651