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Renovation of Crowton Millennium Green

Renovation of Crowton Millennium Green

Jennifer Currie By Jennifer Currie

We wish to sensitively renovate our Millennium Green in order to improve access for all users, to provide a new pathway, repair existing infrastructure and enhance the space for the whole community.

Crowton Delivery stage

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This project was funded on 21 Nov 2023!

Crowton Millennium Green, Cheshire was created in the year 2000 by the local community. It allows both residents and visitors to our village to not only enjoy a woodland walk, but to use as a footpath to safely navigate the adjacent dangerous stretch of roadway, the B5153. The Green is in daily use but for those who use mobility aids or prams/ pushchairs the space is challenging to access and the worn-out pathway becomes unnavigable in winter. The delivery of this project will build upon the aims of the original plan by updating the site to meet current guidelines. Our aims are to widen the primary access gate, to add levers to this and the second gate for ease of use, to repair the pathway to allow its use in all weathers, refurbish the bridge and replace both internal and boundary fencing. We would also like to purchase some bird boxes to enhance the area as a haven for wildlife. Our wish is for this space to maintain its place at the heart of our community long into the future.

What we'll deliver:

  • Replace the current footpath, widening it to current guidelines (1.5m) and lengthening it to run from gate to gate
  • Widen the primary entrance area to allow prams, wheelchair and mobility scooters access
  • Purchase two new gates with easy access lever latches to fit the newly widened area at the primary entrance
  • Replace damaged boundary fencing, originally owned by highways
  • Refurbish the wooden foot bridge by replacing the handrails and stanchions.
  • Replace any internal fencing that is not fit for purpose due to weathering
  • Refresh boundary hedging with new whips
  • Purchase 4 bird boxes, Cheshire wildlife seed for sowing and if possible replace the damaged sundial.

Why it's a great idea:

This project will benefit all of our residents and visitors alike; in particular those with mobility challenges to be able to enter and exit the site safely via the main gateway. We all use the pathway through the Green in order to negotiate the busy road that has no pavements, so the aim is for the path to be used in all weathers by addressing the current muddy quagmire that challenges us all. All renovations will be done sensitively and by local contractors in order to preserve the natural woodland walk and calmness of the space that we all enjoy. In addition, the current damaged boundary fence to the highway is both a safety hazard and unsightly and needs replacing and the original bridge donated by a local resident requires updating for walkers to confidently use. Our local wildlife trust have recommended we also add nest boxes and renew the damaged hedging to the boundary in order to support local wildlife and enhance our overall environment for lasting benefits to our community

Steps to get it done:

  • Rebuilding the pathway
  • Widening the primary entrance
  • Installing gates with easy access lever latches
  • Replacing the highway boundary fencing
  • Replace/repair internal boundary fencing
  • Purchasing and installing nest boxes
  • Purchase and sow Cheshire wildflower mix & bulbs

In Crowton we have the "Ainsworth Lane Loop" which is a walk from the War Memorial on Station Road up Ainsworth Lane, onto Creewood Common Road then cross over the B5153 onto the Millennium Green and back down Station Road to the Hare and Hounds pub. It is a simple, pleasant 2 mile walk and a regular route for dog walkers and exercisers alike. It could not be done safely without the Millennium Green, but currently the muddy pathway is putting visitors off enjoying the circuit. A restored Millennium Green will encourage more of us to get out and about to exercise and enjoy our lovely area.

Location Crowton

About the space

Crowton Millennium Green


Cheshire West and Chester Council

How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees)  £10,912

Scrape off pathway and replace with stone - £2,600
Remove broken fence on highway & replace with wooden post & rail fence - £1,850
Replace handrail & posts on Needles Bridge - £1,800
Gates, gate furniture & fencing materials - £1,253
labour for replacing the gates and damaged fencing - £747
Fencing meterials for the internal fence - £428
labour for replacing internal fence - £372
Whips for the hedging - £360
labour for planting the whips - £360
Removal of waste from scrapping off the pathway - £350
Other - £191

Costs Breakdown

This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.

Scrape off pathway and replace with stone
Remove broken fence on highway & replace with wooden post & rail fence
Replace handrail & posts on Needles Bridge
Gates, gate furniture & fencing materials
labour for replacing the gates and damaged fencing
Fencing meterials for the internal fence
labour for replacing internal fence
Whips for the hedging
labour for planting the whips
Removal of waste from scrapping off the pathway
Other Read More
  • Wild flower seed & bulbs
  • Bird boxes x 4

Target (inc. fees)  £10,912

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