Dear Friends of Madeira Terrace, This week is English Tourism Week and as Madeira Drive is the destination for some of the city’s most popular events – our focus has been on showing the area some extra TLC. Work has included fixing benches, replacing damaged bins, painting the colonnade and installing welcome flags at the pier end of the Drive. An art installation, fixed to a row of beach chalets half-way along Madeira Drive, pays homage to those involved in the crowdfunding campaign. The chalets, which sit on the beach behind the Volks railway track, have been used to display images of some of the many faces that were captured in the famous ‘selfie arch’ throughout the campaign. Among the Brighton faces are local legend DJ Fat Boy Slim, author Peter James, fundraising runner Emily Senior and community raffle organiser Jax Atkins. The installation shows the faces looking out of their arches and on to the terrace while the majestic Madeira Terrace stands centre stage looking back – Tracey Emin eat your heart out! The creation is a colourful addition to Madeira Drive but more importantly a reminder of the city’s strong backing for the restoration project and reinforcement that the restoration campaign is very much alive and ongoing. Please continue to share details of the restoration fund - - and if you have a fundraising idea, do get in touch: [email protected] We are about to go out to tender for a conservation architect to develop the final design for the first three arches and, if we’re successful with funding bids, also a longer section of arches. A bid for Heritage Lottery funding has been submitted and we will update you as soon as we have any news! Last Month’s Freezing February community clean-up tackled overgrown weeds and the removal of rubbish that had blown under Madeira Terrace behind the large green fence. As well as a cup of tea and the most amazing homemade Swedish cakes, the volunteers got to sample Brighton Bier’s specially brewed Mabiera when company director Stephen Whitehurst dropped in to lend a hand with a box full of cans. The community clean-ups are usually held once a month, with the next one taking place this Saturday - 24 March. If you’d like to take part, please get in touch with Jax Atkins: e-mail chemicaljax [email protected] or Derek Wright [email protected] Thank you again for your support. We can do this! Best wishes The Madeira Terrace Project Team