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Growing Together Scotswood

Growing Together Scotswood

Scotswood Garden By Scotswood Garden

To run our Growing Together project for a year. The project provides conservation volunteering and training for diverse adults. Volunteers maintain our community garden for wildlife and the public.

Newcastle upon Tyne Delivery stage

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This project was funded on 20 Jun 2024!

Growing Together delivers outdoor conservation volunteering for diverse adults and older people in our stunning community garden and designated Local Wildlife Site. We will deliver 6 outdoor volunteering sessions a week in our beautiful community garden or plant nursery. Volunteers will participate in a wide range of conservation or horticultural tasks to maintain the Garden for wildlife and the 3000 people who use it each year. Over the next year, volunteers will improve a wildflower meadow for pollinators whose populations are in decline and enhance our Forest Garden. The project is inclusive and diverse people of all abilities participate. Those who require additional support take part in adapted tasks supported by our experienced staff. The ward is which the Garden is based is ranked in the highest 10% for multiple deprivation in England and has child poverty levels at more than double the national average.

What we'll deliver:

  • 288 outdoor conservation volunteering sessions will be delivered over a year
  • 70 people will benefit from volunteering
  • A wildflower meadow will be replanted
  • A Forest Garden will be improved and maintained.

Why it's a great idea:

Montoring shows that the projcet has multiple benefits for volunteers and the Garden itself including 1. Improved wellbeing 2. More active life styles 3. Greater connection to nature 4. Improved social connections 5. Greater knowledge of gardening/conservation 6 Greater self confidence in learning. 7. Habitats are better maintained by volunteers 8. A wildflower meadow will be replanted benefitting pollinators 10. Our Forest Garden will be improved and more productive for wildlife and people.

Steps to get it done:

  • 6 outdoor conservation volunteering sessions delivered a week for 48 weeks
  • A large wildflower meadow re seeded and planted with at least 200 pollinator-friendly plants grown in our plant nursery
  • A forest garden improvement project completed with willow fencing cut back

This is a long running project with a tried and tested successful model with robust monitoring, evaluation and learning processes developed. We work in partership with a wide range of other organisations who support people to participate in the projcet including West End Refugee Service and Learning for Life (who support young adults with leaning disabilities who volunteer as part of this project)


Location Newcastle upon Tyne

About the space

Custom Location


Newcastle City Council

How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees)  £31,146

Salary for Garden and Volunteer Manager - £15,602
Salary for Garden Officer - £11,203
Travel costs for volunteers - £900
Refreshments/shared lunch for volunteers - £900
Equipment (pollinator friendly plants and seeds to reseed and replant the wildflower meadow) - £500

Costs Breakdown

This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.

Salary for Garden and Volunteer Manager
Salary for Garden Officer
Travel costs for volunteers
Refreshments/shared lunch for volunteers
Equipment (pollinator friendly plants and seeds to reseed and replant the wildflower meadow)


This project is enabled for overfunding. If the project hits its funding goal before the end of the campaign period, any extra funds raised will be spent (in order of priority) on:

  • Plants, seeds and compost to improve our wildflower meadows

Target (inc. fees)  £31,146

Our Volunteer List

We're currently looking for people to offer skills and time to develop our project! Check out the list of what we need below and then use the 'Volunteer' button to the right to get involved.

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