Cotswolds Radio Broadcasting Academy Since asking you to pledge towards our target of raising funds to form the Academy we have been really productive. We have created the learning objectives and six people have followed the course with amazing results. We have guided them in preparing; producing and presenting live broadcasts on Cotswolds Community Radio. Four are sixteen and pupils at the Cotswolds School. The other two are from an older age group! Our very first “student” has presented a series of breakfast shows and an evening music show with no further support required. He has also helped guide others. Not all want to be heard on-air and we have a very competent producer who manages the fairly complex sound desk whilst others present their shows. Bringing special interests to the radio station is always welcome. Although not yet able to produce, we have a regular young presenter as part of our sports team who is including radio broadcasting as part of his Duke of Edinburgh Gold award. Music plays an enormous part in our programmes and we have been guiding two ladies who present shows playing their personal selections from our extensive music library. One has just started to present a breakfast show. Our other adult “student” had significant presentational skills but needed to understand what was needed to produce live programmes from our studio. They have all enjoyed the experiences and gained confidence from developing their skills to become regular members of the Cotswolds Community Radio team. A small group of nine year olds present Saturday Club. All are part of our ethos of providing opportunities within our community. A group of our students are producing, presenting and interviewing as part of our first outside broadcast at Bourton on the Water. Thank you for making this all possible.