Safety, confidence and cycle storage are some of the main barriers to cycling being addressed by Chrisp Street Community Cycles, a ‘cycle hub’ pilot launched from an empty high street shop in August 2021 in Poplar, Tower Hamlets. We have been overwhelmed by the success, uptake and positive response to the pilot which in just 6 weeks of delivery has seen:
· 53 bikes loaned
· 195 people take part in an activity
· 1000 people engaged with
Without losing momentum we want to more support families to continue cycling over winter and train up some local cycle volunteers and guide them into paid employment. Hosting our first bike market at Christmas will support the circular economy by fixing unwanted bikes and rehoming them locally. The cycle hub has been a fantastic experiment so far and has demonstrated an appetite for cycling from communities who face many barriers to cycling. We've made a great start and we need your support for phase two.
What we'll deliver:
- Launch a free winter cycle skills and confidence programme of activities, for all abilities
- Create at least 6 volunteer opportunities and offer support into paid work in the cycling industry
- New Year New You - beginners Women only cycle club
- New Year Build a Bike workshop
- A bike swap event for residents to bring and exchange unwanted bikes
- Expand our bike library to include more children’s bikes and a trailer
Why it's a great idea:
The Sustrans Tower Hamlets ‘Bike Life’ (2019) report shows that residents face multiple barriers to cycling, preventing them from learning to ride or cycling more. There are no bike shops nearby to the hub and the council training provision is located some distance away, meaning people with bikes are unable to fix them, or those who want to learn to ride have to travel. The hub helps tackle this as it's a physical space located in a convenient location, where people can begin their journey into cycling, even if their first visit is just an initial conversation with one of our friendly, experienced instructors or volunteers. Most users have been women and children, many who have never cycled or are getting back on their bikes for the first time in 20 or 30 years. “I feel like I am flying when I cycle"- comment from a participant who recently learnt to ride. Several women have expressed interest in becoming ride leaders and training others, the hub will also help up-skill residents.
Steps to get it done:
- Bikes and equipment purchased
- Recruit and train volunteers
- Deliver hub activities including bike market