Brilliant news, thanks everyone!

Chorley Sheds provides woodwork, arts & crafts, gardening and social activities to help reduce effects of loneliness. The flat Main Workshop roof leaks, the idea is to cover this with a sloping roof.
The project is simply to construct a grp sloping roof over the main workshop. This main workshop is the key facility at Chorley Sheds as it is central to the delivery and development of not just woodwork activities but in the maintenance and development of the gardening facilities (poly tunnel, greenhouse, raised beds), Arts & Crafts Shed, Brew Shed and covered area at Chorley Sheds, These are used for delivery of gardening, arts and crafts and social activities. The main workshop was constructed in 2019 by Shed Members and is 2 x 20ft steel storage containers welded together along the length to provide a 20ft x 16ft workshop. This weld has failed and despite numerous attempts at repairs it has not been possible to stop the leaks that are affecting the viability of the workshop. Completing this project (Pentland Shed style) roof to the Main Workshop would provide a long term sustainable solution to this crucial workshop and Chorley Sheds as a community facility.
What we'll deliver:
Why it's a great idea:
The benefits of completing this project are all related to the aims of Chorley Sheds in helping to reduce the ill effects of loneliness in individuals and help them become part of or re-join their wider community. The main benefit is in being able to sustain and increase the delivery and development of activities, identified by consultation, from this the "Sheds" to the wider community. Activities focus on both the mental well-being of participants but also build on their knowledge and skills thereby empowering individuals, examples being: Learning too grow in your own garden or containers your own fruit, flowers and vegetable. Trying different arts and crafts techniques examples being decoupage, card making, candle making and sewing machine use for repairs, adjustments and making of clothes. Basic woodworking DIY methods including care and maintenance of tools, providing facilities for undertaking repair of personal items supported by experienced Shed Members and equipment.
Steps to get it done:
Location Chorley
About the space
Chorley sheds are located at Victory Park Stadium, home of Chorley Football Club. Set in the middle of the local community, adjacent to primary school and nursery. Ten minutes walk from centre of Chorley with easy access from around the Borough.
Chorley Council
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Brilliant news, thanks everyone!
The difference a “Shed” can make. A different week, at least for 3 Shedders. Ian, Jane & Sandy attended the UK Men’s Sheds Association (UKMSA) “Parliament Shed” at Portcullis House in London on Monday 18th March. Despite the expected horrendous Sunday train journey the event was a wonderful experience. Meeting other Shedders, representatives from the UKMSA Supporter Businesses, MPs interested in the work of the Sheds and of course our own local MP, Speaker of the House Sir Lyndsay Hoyle to spread the word on the benefits of belonging to a “Men’s Shed.” Spreading the “word” has continued with Ian being interviewed on BBC Radio Lancashire explaining how being part of Chorley Sheds basically saved his life after health issues. Ian also features in the Lancashire Evening Post where you can read the article at the link. I hope this will help you understand just how valuable your pledge to our crowdfunding has been. This is just one example, with over 1000 “Men’s Sheds” around the UK how many other men and women have been helped. While the three were out traveling and doing their networking bit, the other Chorley Shedders have been up to their usual, delivering activities, helping maintaining facilities and working with our valuable partners and supporters. So, thank you very much again for your pledge and please help us by continuing to spread the word on both our crowdfunding campaign but also on the benefits of being a “Shedder.”
Whoop, 30 people have pledged since fundraising began!
Monday, Sheds closed but through one of partners (Udevelop), a wonderful opportunity for securing some funding for delivering activities in the coming year. Only issue, only 36 hours to submit the funding application! Surprise, surprise, with the weather being cold and wet for the Tuesday gardening made us very thankful for the polytunnel, fingers crossed for next week. On Wednesday, through new partnership working with “Chorley Buddies” two of our woodworking members went to look at a sofa manufacturer that had shut down, with the potential of a donation of SOME wood … anybody have any space where we could store pallets of unused wood? It looks like our woodworkers will be kept busy. The pilot “Introduction to Woodwork” course is going well, and we will be running further courses, where no doubt the newfound wood will come in extremely useful. Sewing ladies working away merrily and possibly having some material from the sofa manufacturer to use in making woodworking and gardening aprons. Crowdfunding had a slow start for this week however, we have finished off the week with two lovely pledges, one individual and one local business (Morris Quality Bakers Ltd) that takes our total to £3411 or 72% of our target (£4773). Thank you everyone. On Sunday, three of our members are travelling to London to represent Chorley Sheds as part of the UK Men’s Sheds Association (UKMSA) “Parliament Shed” at Portcullis House. This is an awareness raising event to demonstrate the work of over one hundred “Men’s Sheds” in England in helping improve wellbeing, reducing isolation and combatting social isolation. Just for clarity, many of the individual “Sheds” who belong to the UKMSA include women in their memberships., including us.
We received an email today informing us that we had been pledged £2306 from Lancashire County Council "Lancashire Sports & Culture Fund towards our crowdfunding campaign. This represents 48% of out overall target and combined with your wonderful pledges amounts to a total of £3111 out of our £4737 target. So once again, thank you all very much for your support and generosity. We are currently running a pilot "Introduction to Woodworking" course funded by Chorley Borough Council (Adult Health & Wellbeing Fund) in the main workshop. With the positive results so far and the interest we are looking at offering this course on a regular basis where it will be nice not to step around the odd bucket catching drips! We could look at the alternative of not having rain. However, in the North West I believe the new roof would be the best option. Sandy
How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees) £4,702
Costs Breakdown
This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.
This project is enabled for overfunding. If the project hits its funding goal before the end of the campaign period, any extra funds raised will be spent (in order of priority) on:
Target (inc. fees) £4,702
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