Work on the Alleyways is in progress. Here's a quick update! Firstly, the alley between DAPA and Boots has seen the installation of two Formby Vikings! Two more are outside the old HSBC bank and another by Colette Gunter Estate Agents. The artwork, transforming the grey, concrete bollards into the very colourful Vikings was commissioned by Imagine Formby and carried out by a professional artist. A design to transform the alley between Costa Coffee and Waterfields is also complete but installing it has taken a set-back due to the construction work at Costa. We will have 'Artistic Alley' on display as soon as the landlord gives us the go-ahead! Work on the Alley between the Turkish Barbers and Assured Care has also started. The entrance to the new Formby Heritage Centre will be in this alley therefore the theme will be 'Historic Alley'. Our timeline for getting the alleys has lengthened due to the need for multiple landlord permissions, but be assured we are still 'on the case' and totally committed to this an other exciting arts projects to bring art, heritage, joy and excitement into our lovely Formby village! Thanks once again, for your support.