Westhive empowers the community to create a thriving, inclusive and better connected place
We will support struggling families with children under 5 through weekly home visits from Home-Start staff and our amazing team of volunteers, and through inclusive and nurturing support groups.
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We keep children at the heart of everything that we do – because childhood can’t wait. Any family can be going through a tough time and we want all families to know that they are not alone – we are here to support them through various and often multiple challenges, such as mental health, lone parenting, child disability and domestic abuse. Highly trained volunteers will visit families with children aged 0-5 in their homes for 2-3 hours each week. We offer practical and emotional support that is informed, confidential and non-judgemental. "I don’t cry everyday anymore. We love our volunteer." Parent of toddler and severely disabled baby We will run 3 weekly open-to-all groups for babies and toddlers, providing community connection and support for mental health, play, attachment and early learning. We will also deliver 3 specialist 6-week group programmes for children and families facing high levels of need, and 10 free summer fun days in outdoor spaces.
What we'll deliver:
Why it's a great idea:
The earliest years make the biggest impact on a child’s lifetime outcomes. Our support helps to create the stable, loving and nurturing environment a very young child needs. Once the chance is missed, making up lost ground in later life is difficult and expensive. Being a parent has never been easy. It can be lonely, frustrating, heart-breaking and over-whelming. We support parents when they need us most. What we do works. Last year, of the families we supported 1-2-1: • 92% reported improved self-esteem and ability to cope • 85% reported a reduction in stress caused by family conflict • 64% reported feeling less isolated. And of the families who attended our groups: • 100% felt more confident in supporting their child’s learning and development • 100% felt more confident to access the community or other services. • 89% reported an increased ability to cope. “I don’t feel alone anymore,” single mum affected by domestic abuse, loneliness, mental health difficulties
Steps to get it done:
Home-Start Oxford has a proven track-record of providing cost-effective, life-changing support for children under 5 and their families in Oxfordshire. “We’ve been chatting via text, but I never had the courage to come as my anxiety is really bad. It was honestly the best choice I’ve made. I feel happy today.” Mum of three, new to the area, affected by mental health difficulties “I’ve been there, so I understand what they’re going through.” Volunteer "We have more fun moments than before. Our volunteer has helped me feel more confident as a Mum." Mum with mental health issues
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Westhive empowers the community to create a thriving, inclusive and better connected place
How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees) £97,597
Costs Breakdown
This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.
This project is enabled for overfunding. If the project hits its funding goal before the end of the campaign period, any extra funds raised will be spent (in order of priority) on:
Target (inc. fees) £97,597
Our Volunteer List
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