To grow a small-scale, high-yield, sustainably-minded urban ‘micro farm’ on Windsor Street to increase fresh produce and food growing skills to improve our community’s health, wealth & happiness!
Squash is a people-powered community organisation, rooted & home-grown in Liverpool 8 since 2010, committed to positive social change in our neighbourhood through regenerative urban agriculture & community food enterprise. For over a decade we’ve worked to make Windsor Street into a vibrant urban food place inc. a community-designed therapeutic garden, seed library & eco-building housing a community food shop & vegetarian cafe. The Community Micro Farm will be a new & exciting community space that will: - transform derelict land into bio-diverse growing space - grow nutritious crops like salad leaves, mushrooms & herbs - create a plant nursery of multicultural food, flower & medicinal plants - provide a youth training programme - be an inter-generational space to share existing skills & skill up local residents in urban food & flower growing - provide a sustainable income stream to help fund on-going, free community horticulture & wellbeing activities
What we'll deliver:
Why it's a great idea:
The Squash Micro Farm will: - improve local people’s access to nutritional food - teach community members, especially young people, the skills to feed themselves well - co-produce a community owned green space which is beautiful, well-used and which makes people proud - create opportunities for improved community cohesion, for neighbours to meet each other by stewarding public space together - help develop new enterprise and community business, developing a more economically resilient neighbourhood - make lasting change by create a skilled-up team of Urban Farmers - create a dynamic space that will continue to grow healthy, fresh and delicious food for years to come support young people; nurturing passions and developing the next generation of environmentally-conscious community leaders
Steps to get it done:
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Whoop, 30 people have pledged since fundraising began!
Whoop, 10 people have pledged since fundraising began!
Whoop, 10 people have pledged since fundraising began!
How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees) £43,742
Costs Breakdown
This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.
This project is enabled for overfunding. If the project hits its funding goal before the end of the campaign period, any extra funds raised will be spent (in order of priority) on:
Target (inc. fees) £43,742
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