Supporting projects, big and small, which help make Hull a better place to live, work and play.
By Pelican Park Community Trust
Get Fit Together - will work with families, children and young people living within the East of the City of Hull, creating sporting sessions that are affordable and accessible to low-income families.
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Pelican Park Community Trust are a registered charity responsible for 12.9 acres of green space, known as Pelican Park, after successfully gaining a 25-year lease from the local authority. Pelican Park is situated in the heart of the community with over 10,500 residential households surrounding the area. We have 6-tennis courts, 5-football pitches and 8-wickets for cricket, with enough space to organise other activities such as dodgeball, rounders, athletics, netball and other sports that are seen to help improve health and wellbeing amongst people of all ages. Get Fit Together will concentrate on working with families, who need that extra support, in working together to get fit and healthy. Activities will be offered free of charge and encourage them to get involved in tennis for free along with other multi-sporting opportunities. Sessions will be offered for a total of six week, over 52 weeks with a positive outcome of getting more people getting involved a grassroots level.
What we'll deliver:
Why it's a great idea:
Hull is the third most deprived City in the County, with high levels of unemployment (particularly amongst young people), poor health conditions (coronary heart disease, cancer, dementia and alzheimers) including obesity, mostly children and young people. With local cuts both nationally and locally, many families are on low-income or depend on benefits, with very little disposable income. This has resulted in families not able to spend funds on going out as a family unit or take part in leisure time activities. As part of our on-going commitment to the local community, we would like to engage with families who would benefit from taking part in some form of regular activity that involved the whole family. Bringing people together, engaging with other families of similar circumstances will help improve their general health, but also provide an opportunity to make new friends, contribute to their local community and improve community participation.
Steps to get it done:
Pelican Park Community Trust has grown over the years, creating a community hub for everyone wanting to get involved in positive activities in their local community. There are a lack of facilities in the area, that can focus on fully supporting people of all ages into such a wide and varied range of activities that helps improve their health. Having regular consultation events, involving the local community, helps the charity identify what services and sessions are needed to further support local people and bring them together. We want to create a safe, vibrant community that people of all ages can play an active role and take some ownership for long-term sustainability. Over the past 12-months we have supported over 2300 beneficiaries (from 4-84 years), all of which have accessed one of the many activities and sessions on offer at Pelican Park. With your support, we hope to reach to families who would benefit from the support and sessions Pelican Park can offer - improving health.
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Supporting projects, big and small, which help make Hull a better place to live, work and play.
How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees) £11,087
Costs Breakdown
This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.
Target (inc. fees) £11,087
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