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West Sussex Crowd


Over 145 projects funded by 4,500 backers. £1.4M + raised and counting!

{{ 'CreatedBy' | translate }} West Sussex County Council. {{ 'PoweredBy' | translate }} Spacehive.

West Sussex is full of people with great ideas who come together to make things happen to improve their communities. The West Sussex Crowd helps to connect those ideas that make a positive difference with supporters, to raise funds to make projects happen.
{{ 'MoreAboutUs' | translate }}

{{'OurImpact' | translate }}

movement impact icon
{{'TotalBackers' | translate }}
movement successfull projects icon
{{'TotalProjects' | translate }}
movement total pledged so far icon
{{'TotalPledgedSoFar' | translate }}

{{'FullImpactReport' | translate }}