{{'ShowingProjects' | translate : { fromNumber : "13", toNumber : "16", totalNumber : "16" } }}
We intercept surplus food from retail to mitigate waste and reduce the environmental footprint. We distribute food to the local community thereby reducing hunger and financial hardship.
At WBP vulnerable people learn skills and build confidence through recycling donated bikes. The bikes are then given to disadvantaged young people, refugees and asylum seekers who need them.
In the last 13 years as a domestic charity for the ethnic minority community we have discovered that faith and culture plays a big role within this groups of sufferers of domestic violence .
This project will transform the working spaces at Bridewell for people recovering from serious mental ill health, and provide a welcoming place to meet and work together, finding hope in recovery.
{{'GotAProjectIdeaOfYourOwn' | translate }}?