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Our Tower Hamlets


Help make Tower Hamlets a great place to live, work and play

{{ 'CreatedBy' | translate }} London Borough of Tower Hamlets. {{ 'PoweredBy' | translate }} Spacehive.

See the tab below for more information on how to get involved, create your crowdfunding page and pitch for up to £10,000 from Tower Hamlets Council. Click on 'create a project' to get started... While the types of projects which come forward can be broad, there is a particular focus on encouraging groups new to crowdfunding to get involved with innovative, civic led projects which benefit the community. Through this programme, projects run by not-for-profit organisations can receive a pledge of up to £10,000 from the innovation fund towards their campaign.
{{ 'MoreAboutUs' | translate }}

{{'OurImpact' | translate }}

movement impact icon
{{'TotalBackers' | translate }}
movement successfull projects icon
{{'TotalProjects' | translate }}
movement total pledged so far icon
{{'TotalPledgedSoFar' | translate }}

{{'FullImpactReport' | translate }}