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Crowdfund Lancashire


Supporting Culture and Sport in Lancashire.

{{ 'CreatedBy' | translate }} Lancashire County Council. {{ 'PoweredBy' | translate }} Spacehive.

Crowdfund Lancashire gives anyone a chance to create local culture and sport projects and support the projects which matter most to them. Anyone can contribute towards their community by chipping in as little as £2 to help bring ideas to life. If it matters to our communities, it matters to Lancashire County Council, who will support eligible projects with a pledge from the £500,000 Lancashire Culture & Sport Fund (LCSF). If you have an idea that will improve the culture or sport offer in your community, you could get up to £15,000 towards your target. The next round of funding will open between 26 November 2024 and 6 February 2025.
{{ 'MoreAboutUs' | translate }}

{{'OurImpact' | translate }}

movement impact icon
{{'TotalBackers' | translate }}
movement successfull projects icon
{{'TotalProjects' | translate }}
movement total pledged so far icon
{{'TotalPledgedSoFar' | translate }}