{{'ShowingProjects' | translate : { fromNumber : "1", toNumber : "12", totalNumber : "160" } }}
To renovate the dilapidated terrace area around the cafe which forms the central hub for recreational and social interaction in Westminster Recreational Park for the benefit of all park users.
The aim is to convert an unused area alongside the club into a community green space. Where club members and local groups can visit ,learn the history of the fruit garden, hold events
A 6 week course for families, inspiring & empowering them to improve their eating habits, help expand the variety of foods they consume &teaching them about their gut microbiome & its impact on health
Keeping swim lessons and aquatic sport available and affordable to all in the city. We are seeking funding to support City of Chester swimming and water polo club during financially challenging times.
Help us to build a permanent ramp so that everyone can get into St John's Sandiway, whether they're coming for the monthly concerts, heritage days, funerals, weddings or anything else.
This appeal is to pay for the hand-crafted Victorian tiles required to repair the Pacific Pool at Chester City Baths which was drained due to Covid-19, but caused damage to the floor of the pool.
Install new high quality double glazed opening windows to reduce heat loss and improve ventilation. Install cavity wall insulation on the main hall and foyer areas.
To replace our Holiday Home, which offers 32 individual weeks of free accommodation per year to families, couples or single people of any age or background who would otherwise not get any holiday
The club aims to improve access and extend the building on its existing site. Funding is being raised to improve access for inclusive boxing class members and preliminary works for extending the gym.
Improve fire safety by replacing fire doors and improving escape routes from the Building. To replace non fire safe upholstery in the building.
This pilot event will take place on Sunday 18 June 2023 in Chester city-centre to promote everyday cycling and walking and wheeling for everyone in Cheshire - the natural choice for short journeys.
"Support our 'Children's outdoor learning: Dee Point's Outer Space Shelter' project. Help us build an inspiring, outdoor learning shelter for our young environmentalists at Dee Point Primary!"
{{'GotAProjectIdeaOfYourOwn' | translate }}?