{{ 'CreatedBy' | translate }} Sunderland City Council
{{ 'ContactUs' | translate }} [email protected]
{{ 'FollowingOnSpacehive' | translate }} |
{{'FollowUsOn' | translate:'{ network: "Twitter" }' }} |
{{'FollowUsOn' | translate:'{ network: "Facebook" }' }} |
Have you got an idea to transform your part of Sunderland? Crowdfund Sunderland is back to give local people the opportunity to crowdfund impactful projects that celebrate local places and spaces that matter. As part of this programme, you can pitch for up to a combined £11,000 from the Council, the National Lottery Community Fund, Integrated Care Board Sunderland & Public Health Sunderland to help crowdfund your project. The Crowdfund Sunderland funders are particularly interested to hear from individuals and groups who have projects that: - Transform local places and spaces - Bring the community together - Benefit residents' health & wellbeing - Build capacity in the community sector
{{'CreatedBy' | translate }} Sunderland City Council
{{ 'FollowUsOnSpacehive' | translate }} |
{{'FollowUsOn' | translate:'{ network: "Twitter" }' }} |
{{'FollowUsOn' | translate:'{ network: "Facebook" }' }} |
{{'EmailUs' | translate }} |
Brilliant news, thanks everyone!