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{{ 'About' | translate }} GLL Community Foundation

{{ 'About' | translate }} GLL Community Foundation

The GLL Community Foundation is here to support projects which encourage local people to be active, learn and play together– it could be organising a sporty tournament, improving a community library or creating a new sports league. Upload your project idea now for the chance to get a pledge of up to £5k. GLL is charitable social enterprise that manages leisure centres, libraries and other community services. We aim to help everyone in our local communities to be able to enjoy educational, sport and play activities. We want all members of the community to benefit from projects that improve health and wellbeing. As the UK’s leading leisure charitable social enterprise a lot of the work GLL do is about making communities better for everyone. We truly believe that together we change lives for the better, and are committed to demonstrating this on a larger scale than ever before.

{{ 'OurJourney' | translate }}

41 projects hit their fundraising target!5 years ago

Brilliant news, thanks everyone!

50 projects started fundraising!5 years ago
3 supporters has joined GLL Community Foundation 7 years ago
GLL Community Foundation launched! 10 years ago