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Impact reports

Easily see the impact you’ve made across all the projects you’ve pledged to. Collect custom data, download colourful reports, and showcase the outcome of your initiative!

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Make impact reporting easy & fun

Projects get funded, with your support. When they report back on their outcome, you can use Spacehive’s Impact Reporting Suite to automatically see the full impact of your work.

Read below for how impact data is collected from projects, shown to you and then showcased publicly in rich reports.

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Collect Data from Projects

With built-in reporting tools

Spacehive asks successful project creators to upload impact data, images, videos, press clippings, event reports and written statements so you can understand what happened...

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Collect Data from Projects

Ask custom questions

You can ask project creators whatever questions you want. This makes it easy to customise your reports so they contain information relevant to you.

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Collect Data from Projects

Filter out unvalidated data

You can choose to remove metrics from your report that haven't been accompanied by commentary or evidenced with uploads, so you can be confident of the numbers.

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Analyse your impact

Download CSVs and PDFs

You can export your overall impact data as well as the answers projects give to your questions, either as colourful PDFs or functional CSV files.

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Analyse your impact

View responses from backers

As well as the answers given by project creators, we gather feedback from other backers so you can see what the wider community thought!

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Analyse your impact

Export all responses from project creators

All the data and answers provided by successful project creators can be exported so you can understand what effect the campaign had on them, the community and local area.

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Showcased reports

Your public reports

Impacts should be fun! After running sometimes long campaigns, our creators delight in sharing their outcomes with you. We turn them into colourful and media-rich reports that you can be proud of and share, in turn.

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Showcased reports

See both Fund and Movement impact

Both the Movement app and Grantmaker funding app automatically output impact reports, which you can hide/show and customise to control your reporting.

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Showcased reports

Review project reports

As well as being able to share your own reports for Funds and Movements, you can see the individual reports from your projects for the full details.

Join the biggest names in fuelling community-led transformation across the UK

Our partners include the leading innovators in government, enterprise and the charity and voluntary sector. Learn how we're working together to fuel change, increase impact and ensure sustainability in communities across the UK.

Interested? Get in touch

Our dedicated team will help you tailor an activation package to suit your needs and ambitions.

Niraj image Aoife image Toby image