Over 145 projects funded by 4,500 backers. £1.4M + raised and counting!
An open access working farm for people with special needs, learning difficulties, veterans of the armed forces and their families and all other groups within the community.
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Young adults with learning difficulties are often cast aside when they reach 19, destined for lifelong services such as day centres where their true potential can never be reached. Crimsham farm has developed a robust plan to address this ever increasing need. We plan to build a one of a kind training and skills workshop to provide actual hands on experience to anyone over the age of 19 who has an Education Health and Care Plan. Through selective recruitment of instructors, community partnerships and hard graft, we will provide educational certification, career skills, practical skills and actual qualifications to those who would otherwise never gain them. Complimented by our education Hub, we will then provide ongoing career support, such as CV writing and Interview techniques, further assisted by local outreach for work placements and employment opportunities. All of this will see those would otherwise be left behind in life achieve their dreams and aspirations!
What we'll deliver:
Why it's a great idea:
This project will deliver a one of a kind education and employment skills hub to the most vulnerable and overlooked group in our community, those who are post 19, subject to am EHCP and liable to enter lifelong services. It facilitate them in attending bespoke training packages, providing formal qualification, education and certification in a range of trades and employment fields, equip them with the tools they need to interview successfully including CV writing, confidence building, interpersonal skills and open up avenues to these young adults, that would otherwise remain closed. It will provide young adults with learning difficulties, with a different road down which to walk. It will allow them and enable them to achieve all their goals and aspirations!
Steps to get it done:
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Over 145 projects funded by 4,500 backers. £1.4M + raised and counting!
How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees) £157,795
Costs Breakdown
This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. Before entering fundraising these costs will be confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified by the verifier.
Target (inc. fees) £157,795
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