Hello. Since the last post our water plants and wildflower seeds have all made progress. We have a flush of cornflowers around the post and the first water lilies have come into bloom. Mentioning the word bloom reminds me that volunteers from Cleckheaton in Bloom came and helped with some of the panting. In the hot weather several Emperor Dragonflies arrived and some azure blue damselflies. Not just flying around but also landing on some of emerging water rushes. Let's hope they were laying some eggs. We have an inspection coming up from the National Garden Scheme from whom we received £1700 toward our budget for seeds and plants. We still have the information board and boardwalk to install. In the rest of JCCW it's mostly a matter of maintenance - for example cutting the hedges. But we have also had to water the trees planted in January and we have lost a few of the new shrubs.. We have asked the council to do some work on the adjacent bridleway which is becoming very narrow due to vegetation (although the bridleway is within our lease area it is not our responsibility). In general terms we are no longer strimming around trees but we are tackling the thistles in the area of the pond. If anyone is interested in volunteering then please leave contact details on our web site www.svcs.org.uk Thank You.